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Astrology & Yoga Therapy

The root Cause of all Disease – Bhoga or Sensory enjoyments Bhoga ( enjoyments of the senses ) is Roga ( Disease). It can only be cured by Yoga ( Divine Alchemy ). All food that is tasty is detrimental to the body, declares Prakriti Therapy The food which cometh from Nature, fruits and vegetables, are alkaline by nature. Maximum health is in an alkaline body. We can only be healthy if we keep a 80%- 20% ratio. ( 80% alkalinity & 20% acidity). This means we have to eat more natural foods & less processed foods ( which are more or less acidic ). Truly speaking, processed

foods,even though they taste well, are robbers as they rob us of our natural, vibrant health.

More information about Transcendental Philosophy & Yoga can be

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Astrology & Occult Vibratory Chemistry ( Tantra )

The Serpentine Power in individual bodies, the Kundalini, is the coiled Energy in humans, which rises during Meditation & Prayer. When She ( Kundalini ), the miscrocosmic power of the macrocosmic Shakti, rises from from the Root Chakra & reaches the other Chakras, siddhis or paranormal powers maniest. Clairvoyance, clairaudience, distant healing, the ability to see Auras & ultimately Trikala-jnana ( the power to know Past, Present & future ) all manifest in the aspirant. The aspirant should not be intoxicated by these siddhis. If he tries to exhibit the siddhis or paranormal powers, he may not reach the Goal of Life. Instead he should ignore these powers of the mind & continue his Tapas till he is liberated.

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