Vedic Astrology Xviii
Vedic Astrology Lesson 18
All Astrology evolved from Electional Astrology & originated from the Vedas,Scriptures which were never written & which were divinely cognised in higher states of Consciousness.
Regarding the Fourth House
The fourth house represents happiness, mother, friends, uncle, house & conveyances. All these significations get a boost if the 4th lord or 4th house becomes strong. if the fourth house is vitiated by malefics, happiness will make a hasty retreat. Relatives turn hostile and there will be difficulty in acquiring houses or conveyances.
The Effect of the Fourth Lord in the Ascendant
As the 4th lord is in the ascendant the native will have all sorts of domestic comforts, houses & conveyances. They are outspoken & independent, clever and intelligent. Their mother is gentle and tender. They have an academic mind and their qualities will be appreciated in the field of education. They will have the help of many friends and uncles. They will have a well decorated house.
The Effect of the Fourth Lord in the Second House
As the 4th lord is in the 2nd the native will inherit much from their mother or maternal relatives. Their mother in turn must have received much from her own sisters & brothers. They are not the type who
are likely to be dominated. Many consider them as a simpletons. This is not a correct analysis They are cunning and quite clever when occasion demands They will have house & conveyances.
The Effect of the Fourth Lord in the Third House
As the 4th lord is in the 3rd the