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The Effect of the Fourth Lord in the Eleventh House

As the 4th lord is in the 11th the native will be wealthy & financial

condition will only improve for the better. Will have a lot of

friends. They will be helped by these friends. They will have lots

of gains as 11th house rules gains and the fulfillment of all

desires. A good house guaranteed. Will have lot of mental tensions

also as 11th is 8th to the fourth. Lack of mental peace and bliss

can result. They will be blessed by conveyances. A well decorated

house with all the paraphernalia will be theirs.

The Effect of the Fourth Lord in the Twelfth House

As the 4th lord is in the 12th the native will have to face many ills &

unhappy situations in life. The lord of 4 H in the house of loss shows

loss of Sukha. Regarding house they may have to face many problems.

They may have to encounter litigation and problems regarding house.

They may not be happy with regard to mother. Uncles and aunts turn

hostile. Some friends also go against them. They will be beset by

many problems and difficulties. Expenditure rises and they may have

to spend much money on house and conveyances. They may have to face

losses in speculation.

More quality information about Vedic Astrology & an Astrological

Analysis can be had from

Astrology & Astro-Numerology

Pythagorus averred that numbers have vibrations and that it can be used


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