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experience in the esoteric arts. To subscribe to his free informative Ezine, the Z Files His Astro blog is up at & his Philosophy blog is Mobile 091 9388556053

Vedic Astrology Lesson 18

All Astrology evolved from Electional Astrology & originated from the Vedas,Scriptures which were never written & which were divinely cognised in higher states of Consciousness.

Regarding the Fourth House

The fourth house represents happiness, mother, friends, uncle, house & conveyances. All these significations get a boost if the 4th lord or 4th house becomes strong. if the fourth house is vitiated by malefics, happiness will make a hasty retreat. Relatives turn hostile and there will be difficulty in acquiring houses or conveyances.

The Effect of the Fourth Lord in the Ascendant

As the 4th lord is in the ascendant the native will have all sorts of domestic comforts, houses & conveyances. They are outspoken & independent, clever and intelligent. Their mother is gentle and tender. They have an academic mind and their qualities will be appreciated in the field of education. They will have the help of many friends and uncles. They will have a well decorated house.

The Effect of the Fourth Lord in the Second House

As the 4th lord is in the 2nd the native will inherit much from their mother or maternal relatives. Their mother in turn must have received much from her own sisters & brothers. They are not the type who

are likely to be dominated. Many consider them as a simpletons. This is not a correct analysis They are cunning and quite clever when occasion demands They will have house & conveyances.

The Effect of the Fourth Lord in the Third House

As the 4th lord is in the 3rd the native can expect medium health.Because of their educational background they may get the much needed help from office levels. Subordinates love working

for them as they lead by example. They will retain self earned wealth. Uncles may turn hostile. They may have trouble regarding house & conveyances. Even their health may be subject to vicissitudes.

The Effect of the Fourth Lord in the Fourth House

As the 4th lord is in 4th the native will have a good house and conveances. They may be connected with powerful, political people. They have the knowledge to manipulate ideas, men and things with dignity and honour.They maintain a spotless character. They will understand in the fulness of time that Love is a thing to be given & not a game to be won or an election to be fought. They tend to Philiosophy & Religion and love their family members.

The Effect of the Fourth Lord in the Fifth House

As the 4th lord is in the 5th the native will have vehicles & conveyances. They are adepts at maintaining happy relations with people. They will enjoy wealth that is self made. Their partner will appear to be more bossy than them when provoked and even more belligerent. They will have a comfortable life with riches. Their children will prosper well & they may get happiness from them.

They may gain due to speculation & whirlwind profits can be expected if they speculate.

The Effect of the Fourth Lord in the Sixth House

As the 4th lord is in the 6th house the native will have problems from house & conveyances. They may receive affection from somebody other than their mother during childhood. They are basically careless and indifferent. Thier mother’s health may be imperilled. As they are shorttempered it will be better for them if they control their anger. Some of their friends may turn hostile. Uncles and aunts also turn hostile. They may not get much happiness from mother & conveyances.

The Effect of the Fourth Lord in the Seventh House

As the 4th lord is in the 7th the native will shine well in the field of education. They are ready to sacrifice & relinquish their rights on property at the slightest request from their mother. In reality she

does not want them do that. Pessimistic they become as a result of adversity. They acquire vast areas of land and they get houses. Their public relations are good. They mix well with people.They

will have good friends.

The Effect of the Fourth Lord in the Eighth House

As the 4th lord is in 8th the native will have problems in education They are likely to face difficulties in childhood. They envy their brothers who get greater attention from their mother. They may not fulfill her wishes and this makes her dejected. They may be separated from father quite early in life. They may have to encounter difficulties arising out of litigation. Some of their friends may turn hostile. Some uncles and aunts also. They may have problems regarding house & conveyances.

The Effect of the Fourth Lord in the Ninth House

As the 4th lord is in the 9th the native will be blessed by a loving and compassionate mother. They fear the Unknown. They may inherit paternal legacy. They demonstrate wisdom and a deep sense of humour behind a rugged exterior. They have a hidden desire to be protected by their mother. This is a fortunate combination with regard to father and properties. They will have a good house & conveyances. They will be blessed by many good friends who come to their help in their hour of crisis.

The Effect of the Fourth Lord in the Tenth House

As the 4th lord is in the 10th the native will have professional enhan-

cement and reputation. They will have professional expertise . They

will have political success. They will have the knowledge to

handle any situation. They will be good at handling chemicals.

Will vanquish their enemies . They are quite domineering and

have a knack of making their presence felt. Will be blessed by

house & conveyances. They will have good friends who help

them in their hour of crisis.

The Effect of the Fourth Lord in the Eleventh House

As the 4th lord is in the 11th the native will be wealthy & financial

condition will only improve for the better. Will have a lot of

friends. They will be helped by these friends. They will have lots

of gains as 11th house rules gains and the fulfillment of all

desires. A good house guaranteed. Will have lot of mental tensions

also as 11th is 8th to the fourth. Lack of mental peace and bliss

can result. They will be blessed by conveyances. A well decorated

house with all the paraphernalia will be theirs.

The Effect of the Fourth Lord in the Twelfth House

As the 4th lord is in the 12th the native will have to face many ills &

unhappy situations in life. The lord of 4 H in the house of loss shows

loss of Sukha. Regarding house they may have to face many problems.

They may have to encounter litigation and problems regarding house.

They may not be happy with regard to mother. Uncles and aunts turn

hostile. Some friends also go against them. They will be beset by

many problems and difficulties. Expenditure rises and they may have

to spend much money on house and conveyances. They may have to face

losses in speculation.

More quality information about Vedic Astrology & an Astrological

Analysis can be had from

Astrology & Astro-Numerology

Pythagorus averred that numbers have vibrations and that it can be used

for augmenting fortune !

Will Fate change if Name is changed ? Certainly, says this Science of

Numbers Those who lag behind in the economic sphere can use this

science to become prosperous !

The Numerology ebook is freely downloadable from

Home Page.

More quality information about Astro-Numerology and a free Astro-

Numerological Report can be had from

Astrology & Astro-Gemology

The philosopher Cornelius Agrippa has described in Three Books of Occult

Philosophy the basic preparation of astrological rings as follows:

“When any star (planet) ascends fortunately we must take a stone

and herb that is under that star, and in it fasten the stone, putting the

herb or root under it, not omitting the inscriptions of images, names &

characters, as also the proper suffumigations”

More information about Planetary Gemology & a FREE Gem Prescription

Report can be had from


Ebooks by G Kumar

Free EBook on Astronumerology !-Free download on Home Page —

Ebook on the First 9 Vedic Astrology Lessons! click link line below: —

Ebook on the Secrets of Pranic Therapy ! click link line below: —

Ebook on the Fourfold Yoga ! click link line below: —

Ebook on AstroTherapy! click link line below: —


Astrology & the Fourfold Yoga ( The Science of Cosmic Union )

The Fourfold Yoga has been prescribed for Cosmic Union in Oriental

Philosophies. They are

1. Union via Action ( Karma Yoga )

2. Union via Psychic Control ( Raja Yoga )

3. Union via Universal Love ( Bhakthi Yoga )

4. Union via Wisdom ( Jnana Yoga )

Union via Action is for the person of active temparament.

Union via Psychic Contro is for the person of adventurous temparament

Union via Universal Love is for the person of emotional temparament.

Union via Wisdom is for the person of intellectual temparament.

These four paths are not different from one another. They are all part of

the Fourfold Yoga.

Certain qualities are to be inculcated in the seeker if he is to achieve the

Ultimate Goal.

Prajna has been defined as the discriminative intellect, the intellect

which discriminates between the Real & the Unreal, the intellect which

discriminates between Being and Non-Being. This quality should be

incorporated by the Intellectual Man if he is to progress in the path of

Jnana Yoga.

Love is defined as the greatest of all the positive qualities of man. This

quality is to be incorporated by the Emotional Man if he is to progress

in the field of Bhakthi Yoga.

Control of Mind or Psychic Control through Raja Yoga should be incorporated

by the Adventurous Man if he is to progress in the field of Raja Yoga.

Selfless Service should be incorporated by the Active Man if he is to

progress in the field of Karma Yoga.

In other words, since the Fourfold Yoga has been prescribed for mankind ,

all these four great qualities – Selfless service, love, psychic control &

the discriminative intellect should be incorporated by the spiritual

aspirant to develop in the field of Yoga.

More information about Transcendental Philosophy & Yoga can be

had from

Astrology & Occult Vibratory Chemistry ( Tantra )

Tantra aims at centrallisation of the Self and the Self is worshipped

through geometrical patterns called Yantras.

More quality information about Tantra & Yantras can be had from

Astrology & Quantum ( Holistic ) Medicine

Beginning with a Platonic quotation ( ” The treatment of the parts should

not be attempted without treatment of the entirety”), Ralf Damwerth writes

that Holistic Medicine emphasises Prevention. ” To prevent disease is an

important matter in Holistic Medicine. It advocates healthy food & good

diet, physical exercises and, in general, a natural & ecological life-style.

Concerning prevention of disease, we can learn a lot from Asian cultures.

Hatha Yoga, for example, is a brilliant system of maintaining the body &

detecting any dysfunctions very early.”

Quality info about Western Holistic Medicine can be obtained from and about Vedic Holistic Medicine from

Books as Representatives of Eternal Wisdom

Sir Philip Sydney writes in ” An Apologia for Poetry ” that the great seers

and mystics of yore hid Great Secrets in symbolic stories. ( ” which of

purpose were written darkly, lest by profane wits it might be abused”).

Aurobindo in the Secret of the Veda writes that ” this Wisdom is unfit

and dangerous to the ordinary human mind and liable to perversion and

loss of virtue, if revealed to vulgar and unpurified spirits”. Hence the

Seers hid the Mysteries in symbolic stories like the Iliad and the Odyssey,

the Ramayana & the Mahabharata, books which deal with the Inner War

in Man !

The Hidden Foe ( Ego) lodged in the human breast

Man must overcome or miss his higher fate

This is the inner war without escape.

More quality information about spiritual Books & CDs can be had from

( This article can be reprinted in other ezines for FREE ).

Article by G Kumar, Astrologer, writer & programmer of Recently he was awarded a Certificate by the Planetary Gemologists Association Global ( ) as a Planetary Gem Advisor. He has 25 years psychic research experience in the esoteric arts. To subscribe to his free informative Ezine, the Z Files His Astro blog is up at & his Philosophy blog is Mobile 091 9388556053

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