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the person of active temparament.

Union via Psychic Contro is for the person of adventurous temparament

Union via Universal Love is for the person of emotional temparament.

Union via Wisdom is for the person of intellectual temparament.

These four paths are not different from one another. They are all part of

the Fourfold Yoga.

Certain qualities are to be inculcated in the seeker if he is to achieve the

Ultimate Goal.

Prajna has been defined as the discriminative intellect, the intellect

which discriminates between the Real & the Unreal, the intellect which

discriminates between Being and Non-Being. This quality should be

incorporated by the Intellectual Man if he is to progress in the path of

Jnana Yoga.

Love is defined as the greatest of all the positive qualities of man. This

quality is to be incorporated by the Emotional Man if he is to progress

in the field of Bhakthi Yoga.

Control of Mind or Psychic Control through Raja Yoga should be incorporated

by the Adventurous Man if he is to progress in the field of Raja Yoga.

Selfless Service should be incorporated by the Active Man if he is to

progress in the field of Karma Yoga.

In other words, since the Fourfold Yoga has been prescribed for mankind ,

all these four great qualities – Selfless service, love, psychic control &

the discriminative intellect should be incorporated by the spiritual

aspirant to develop in the field of Yoga.

More information about Transcendental Philosophy

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