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Video Rating: 5 / 5
support Mapua Online Store Visit our site for more info about our products: entrepmossimo.multiply.com
Video Rating: 5 / 5
umm is it bad if they dont have a bell? plss i need a answere
I’ve got one! its a ninjaa :]
how much is the pirate one ?
its realy cute
Can i plz have some, i want to buy them.
@mileyrocks10149 It’s a sign that a voodoo doll wants to be in your life.. Congrats!
I’ll buy them all XD
i got mine for 1 dolar
i found a black one in my moms car today and funny thing is, no one in my entire family has ever seen it before.
dude im seriuos i will buy the one on 54 for $20 to $30 ill wait ur reply
i want the one on 0:58
@HardCandy0505 uh huh
it is saud bad to use someones elses voodo doll.
I want the one at :32 and the two at 1;06 How much
i want the one at 12 hes awsone
Those looks like ones in stores next to our home.
how much? I’ll take all