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acquiring bright and shiny new playthings? Perfect time to say enough really is enough. The sun still shines, a free-for-all that is free for all. (By the way, one thing I’ve noticed about Wabi Sabi people. They actually see sunrises and sunsets on a regular basis.)

I know, I know. You hear what I’m saying. But you are still worried about what will happen if you get off the treadmill. So think on this: There Are Six Billion People In The World. Do you really think you are going to beat them all in the game of life? Is it really worth all that you have to do, give and give up (like your real life, for example), so you can master money, love, education, self-esteem, sexuality, heath, parents, children, and career, by the time you are-what-29?

It seems ridiculous to have to remind ourselves that life itself is birth and death, up and down, movement from newborn to middle age to older to ancient. That it is sheer insanity to wait to be happy until we have mastered the ability to balanced all of life on the head of a pin while standing on one hand. Yet we do, indeed, seem to need to remind ourselves. Often.

So let me remind you. There is nothing wrong with you. Even if you have problems. Problems are a fact of the human condition. How you co-exist with your problems is all that you can change. And since Wabi Sabi acknowledges that even how you are co-existing with your problems will inevitably be imperfect, you’re there. You’ve already arrived at the ideal Wabi Sabi state. Now, you can live. Just Live.

Robin Rice is an intuitive healer and social change artist. She writes transformational fiction, offering two books online for free, and one novel that is published in three languages. She creates spoken word meditation CD’s and has a private shamanic healing practice. Learn more about living an Intuitive Life at:

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