We Are Entering The Age Of Smart
There is a growing awakening that the way things have been progressing just can’t continue if we are to sustain a growing world economy. The “flat world” has made your business my business even if you’re conducting your business on the other side of the planet. Available and affordable technology has made it possible to make current decisions based on future consequences. Intelligence will tie it all together and thus intelligence is our most valuable asset.
From Wickipedia: Self-Monitoring, Analysis, and Reporting Technology, or S.M.A.R.T. (sometimes written as SMART), is a monitoring system for computer hard drives that detects and reports on various indicators of reliability, in the hope of anticipating failures.
IBM recently launched its “Smarter Planet” campaign focusing on climate disruption, energy geopolitics and food supply hazards. They are spearheading an infusion of intelligence into the way the world works through technological systems and procedures. IBM wants to be seen as a leader in the way goods and services are developed, manufactured, sold and delivered. They see opportunities in the fields of people, money, water and electronics, and it’s all about becoming a “Smarter Planet”.
In January of 2008 Daimler-Benz AG introduced the Smart Fortwo in the United States, the “it” car of Europe. The Smart Fortwo claims to not only be a fuel efficient mode of transportation but a worldwide statement on innovation, intelligence, functionality and the return of the simple joy of driving.
Last month Best of the US has launched a new website,