Get Adobe Flash player, in an effort to find the smartest people in the United States.  The site administers an IQ Test then ranks the participants against all other participants.  They want everyone in the United States to have a SUS Score (Smartest of US Score) making it apparent who we are electing to governmental positions, who we are placing at the head or our corporations, and who we are considering dating next weekend.

 What brought all this on?  Could it be that we’ve been acting so dumb over the past several decades?  Consider our abuse of our environment, our abuse of credit, our abuse of our fellow man, our abuse of our own bodies, our abuse of personal values. 

 If we had acted with any level of “Smart” would we have allowed our economy to fall into the depth of financial jeopardy that we find ourselves in today?  It’s time that we evaluate our corporate and governmental leaders based on there level of intelligence as well as their character.  Could an intelligent man or woman could have taken our country and our banking system into the financial collapse that we are experiencing unless they had a terrible character flaw.  The sub-prime crisis was openly predicted in early 2007 yet both our corporate and governmental leaders chose to ignore these warnings.  The Trillion Dollar Meltdown published in January 2007, and discussed in a Senate hearing, detailed what was going to happen over the coming months but it was ignored by our leaders.

 We have known that we were increasing our dependence on foreign oil for decades yet we have never

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