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established a national energy policy designed to eliminate this dependence even though we recognize it as a threat to our national security.  In comparison to the rest of the developed world, our country holds gasoline prices artificially low allowing our cars to remain large and thirsty. We consume 390 million gallons of gasoline per day in the United States.  A “Smart Government” would establish a .00 to .00 national gasoline tax to force us into more economical automobiles, reduce our use of foreign oil and stimulate the discovery alternative fuel sources.

 Our nation is becoming an island of “fat people”; my trips to Europe, China, South America, and Russia all ended in a U.S. airport with the recognition that the U.S. is full of obese people.  Why is this a surprise?  We provide them 200,000 fast food restaurants and take from these fatties over 0 billion yearly to assist them in their quest for obesity. These are the same people that are taxing our health care system, these are the people who are increasing our health insurance rates, ending up on workman’s compensation, SSI, and welfare, and these are the people who are eating themselves to death.  A “Smart Government” would discourage this behavior.  A fast food tax is past due, groceries should not be taxed but a Big Mack should cost at least .00; that’s a lot less than by-pass surgery, that you and I end up paying for in our health insurance premiums.

 How can a “Smart Nation” allow health insurance costs rise while allowing 50 million packs of cigarettes per day to be sold to its citizens?  Why doesn’t a pack of cigarettes sell for more then .00? We know that cigarettes cause cancer, heart disease,

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