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and a multitude of other illnesses, all which are reflected in our health insurance costs. We ban smoking in restaurants, public buildings, even in some apartment buildings yet we chose to ignore the cost to our health care system.

 Over 42,187 of us will die on our highways this year; 13,500 or 32% of which will involve the consumption of alcohol.  Wouldn’t a “Smart Nation” discourage such a behavior?  We consume 21 million gallons of beer per day.  This consumption of beer and other alcoholic beverages is reflected in our health insurance and auto insurance costs.  Wouldn’t it make since to enact a national 6-pack tax?

 Have you noticed that our nation is falling deeper and deeper into debt?  What if as a “Smart Nation” we could discourage bad behavior, reduce our health insurance costs, eliminate our dependence on foreign oil and raze over 0 billion in new taxes per year .  My SUS Score is only 104, but this seems like “the smart things to do.”


Let’s follow the lead of a few and grab hold of this “Smart Movement”.  Let’s demand that our government and our corporations are led by Smart People, and that they have a Smart Agenda. I don’t think it maters anymore it their Republican or Democrat, liberal or conservative, if their not Smart let’s get rid of them.


There is a growing awakening that the way things have been progressing just can’t continue if we are to sustain a growing world economy.  Available and affordable technology has made it possible to make “Smart Decisions” based on future consequences.  Intelligence will become our most valuable asset in this new

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