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occurs in our lives is part of divinity’s plate of delicatessen. We are the Executive Chef when it comes to our life’s menu. No one else calls the kitchen orders but us. If the meal turns out bad, so be it. IF it turns out delicious, so be it. We are not identified so the accolades are of no consequence. Either way, we just keep preparing the meals in as much as we are informed to do so without lust of result.

We must come to the exquisite knowledge, understanding and formative relating (true wisdom) that everything is a part of it. Nothing is to be left out, ridiculed, dismissed, denigrated, condemned, critically analyzed, or refused a rightful place in the whole picture. Everything is a learning/remembering process, some of which will be recognized, absorbed, relegated and assimilated in our walk. Some will be appreciated, applied and attracted, and ascribed to various roles. But, none of it will be disposed of; it will simply change forms.

In the process of self-acknowledgement, we are to eliminate the easily accessible, familiar and comfortable sensation of falling into the repetitive pattern of blaming and accusing some other person, place or thing for our OWN state of unrest and tribulation! We admit with full consciousness that our lives are exactly and precisely the way they are supposed to be for reasons we can’t see. Although we are not responsible for the outcome, nor are we concerned with the results, we are fully responsible for participating in the parameters offered.

NO ONE ELSE either adds or detracts from our designated plight. No one outside of ourselves can or does ever upset, defeat, trouble, harm, cheat, delay, cause us trouble or detain our plans! We alone are accountable for all of our words,

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