is one ritual that has transformed over the years into something far different than it was originally intended to be performed. It had been a bouquet of intense herbs which were thought to have the effect of protecting from undesired “energies” which were considered inappropriate for the wedding ceremony. Imagine walking down the aisle with a bouquet of garlic today. Thankfully that is one ritual that has changed for the better.
The concept of tying cans to the bumper of a car apparently arises from a similar concept that was once enacted instead by the banging of pots and pans and so on to clear the proverbial air and allow the couple to proceed on their merry way.
Finally one tradition which may seem Pagan in its concept of luck is the tradition of the groom not being allowed to see the bride prior to the ceremony. This is one that probably isn’t actually originating in any animism other than the human kind. In the days when arranged marriages were popular among parents, the groom may have not actually ever seen the bride before the day of the wedding. Thus the reason for not allowing him to see the bride prior to the ceremony, lest he decide they are not the best match and so make a hasty exit to protect them from an unhappy marriage.
Hopefully that has given you a good introduction to some of the historical origins of some western wedding traditions. It may be best not to think about it too much and just have fun instead.
The author maintains a website for wedding planning help that includes information on wedding car rental.
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