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Question by tessfeb01: what about online tarot readings are those accurate?
i see questions about live tarot readings but what about online readings? do these really connect with the user? how about a site where you do your own shuffle and cut …. such as at spellspace

Best answer:

Answer by Jack P
Try a few and see which you like best, if any.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

5 Responses to what about online tarot readings are those accurate?

  • theminchiman says:

    Most of the “shuffle and cut” websites are actually pre-made, limited-in-number spreads.

    I have it on good authority that the creator of the one you mention uses a program similar to the online poker sites. So hers is probably legit. She has added her personal meanings and is a competent reader.

    The best readings are the exchanges you do with other tarot readers, or , if you are learning tarot, practice readings that others can help you out with, such as or

    You can read more from her on tarotamerica. Not sure what her naem is on aeclectic, tho’.

  • mavrachangawoke says:

    Well many readers will feel its the connection of the person reading the cards. I have found that its actually more about the person having them read. There is no real hard and fast future so when you read cards you are just looking at the likely possibilities. Most people just coast from event to event in there life so the possibilities are pretty likely.
    Any reading is really a co-creation between the question and the answer. Whether that’s two people or an on line random event. One plus for random is that if you have a really strong desire to know something about your future the universe can easily manipulate the net. So if you believe you need/deserve and will get an answer that is true and helpful well by god you will.
    If you perceive that answers come to you they do. Its not like we are walking alone. Each of us is a pretty big project with a lot of support. I say this again and again. Ask. If you ask it will be given. Now be careful what you ask for because you will get it. So be sure and ask for happy stuff and always ask for help. They love to help.

  • swarr2001 says:

    Online tarot readers (I mean real tarot readers, not those who are hired to fill a job slot) are as accurate as other tarot readers. I would shy away from those cookie cutter sites however. It’s better if you have someone you know that is an accurate reader and can do an IM in real time.

  • goathead says:

    There is a difference between the computer generated online reading and one done by an actual person.
    I am a reader and sometimes for fun, I try out an online reading. In the end, I know that I would have gotten a deeper reading if I had done it myself.
    I do find that they are accurate to a point, but being general in meaning, there is no connections made between two cards as there is if a real person reads.
    Online readings work but are seriously limited in their insight.

  • PsiTips says:

    The many different tarot decks will all portray symbolic imagery which must then pass through your psychic senses and, given the context of the questions asked, bring forth a tarot card meaning that significantly answers your question.

    If you are using Tarot cards as an oracle, you may be more inclined to read card meanings and spreads. But if using Tarot Cards as a tool for Psychic Ability you would be less likely to hold to any hard and fast guide lines. I’m a profession psychic and use Tarot Cards in a random way. In 25 years of professional readings I’ve never used any ‘meanings, spreads or reversals’ of tarot cards from any books.

    So if you want to develop ‘Psychic Ability’ throw the books and guidelines away and let the images inspire you. But you may need to try the Rider Waite or another imaged deck.

    Here’s the how-to of reading tarot cards with your psychic perception in six simple steps.

    You can use this four minute video as a brief meditation on the tarot that, repeatedly viewed, will help you learn how to read tarot cards psychically.

    To tap in to it more you can go to my free psychic development pages here:

    But on the other hand, if you want to use the Tarot as an oracle, a form of divination that needs no real ‘psychic ability’, then keep the books and use the meanings and spreads if you prefer.

    Here is a free download demo for a great Tarot program. To keep the size of the demo manageable it contains the Rider/Waite deck, the actual program will have 10 complete decks. This Demo version of Tarot is a full working copy for 30 days. So you get 30 days to study meanings and spreads!

    There are a couple of good documentaries about the Tarot on

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