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Question by Aryahn: What are some credible Shamanic Schools/Organizations?
I want to join either a distance-based Shamanic Group or find a group around Portland, Oregon to study with. The problem I keep running into is that yes I know that the credit won’t go towards college, but I want my money to go to a good teacher/organization. They all say they are good, and I’m sure most of them are, I just want some other people’s feedback.

Thanks for your time.

Aryahn Ardriel Eldridge

Best answer:

Answer by Lion Sack
If you think the bible is enough of God’s word, you’re right; it’s enough to send you to hell.

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One Response to What are some credible Shamanic Schools/Organizations?

  • Sue says:

    Be careful using this kind of thing – check out a site called New Age Frauds and Plastic Shamans – there are a LOT of people making a LOT of money off the back of this kind of course, some are good but most are not so good and some are downright dangerous. I believe they have a forum where you can check the credentials of the courses offered in the States.

    To be honest if you get a good book on the subject and work your way thought it Nature and the outdoors are the best teachers going, experience is everything in Shamanism (more so than some Wiccan groups and individuals) as genuine Shamen work for the community rather than themselves.

    I do understand your wish to learn through an organised course as it’s a human trait to seek teaching and therefore reaffirming the experience but try to think of the nature and plant spirits as teachers rather than someone who is makeing a lot of money from it – ESPECIALLY someone who is making a lot of money from it.

    You can make your own drum, and rattles, you can also use drum cds for journeying (michael harner – who I believe is well slated by the NAFPS produces one which I have used)

    My best advice, and sorry to be a bit of a downer, is to join a shamanic online forum and find out who they think are good teachers and who are not, and preferably find someone local to you who will be able to tailor a course for you rather than a generic course that is not geared to individuals abilities and speed of learning.

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