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Question by Kim: what are some good voodoo spell or potion to increase your sexual attraction?
I am looking for a spell or potion to make my energy/ aura more sexual attractive to others. I would consider myself attractive already, both physically and personality wise (every guy at my job has asked for my number and alot of people like me) But i want my attractivness to be more potent. Are there any voodoo experts with ideas? What are the adverse affects?
thanks mirandrox I think I’ll try that.
thanks mirandrox I think I’ll try that.

Best answer:

Answer by Kyle
Why must people always revert to greed. Think about it there are other ways to make yourself shockingly attractive….Think about the problem and all options before going to magick

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8 Responses to what are some good voodoo spell or potion to increase your sexual attraction?

  • dj_astro44 says:

    Uhm…. not to disapoint you, but voodoo isn’t real…

  • Darth Redoncooni says:

    Love Potion Number 9!!

    get it from the lady @ the corner of 34th and vine

  • artimessfowler says:

    No spell will give you more sexual appeal.

    If you think that you are sexually appealing, and think positive about it, you will attract the positive energy.

  • Betsy C says:

    Most voodoo practitioners will charge you for these items. You won’t get any serious answers here.

  • kilroymaster says:

    The sell musk that attracts men and women in your local drugs store and you are setting yourself up to be scamed………………..

  • mirandrox_jrb says:

    cant help you with a spell or anything but your best bet would be to find a pheromone product. look in adult stores, the one i work in has a bubble bath thats pheromone based they also make colognes and perfumes. Victorias Secret used to have an awesome one but it was dicontinued you may be able to back order it though

  • Celtic Blood says:

    The scent of cinnamon will do it if you are a woman trying to attract men. Not only has this been used in many sexual attraction “spells”, it has been shown in psychological experiments.

  • ToriMia the Witch says:

    There is actually an oil available called “Adam&Eve” oil. There’s also one called “Bring my love to me” as well. Check,, also and All specialize in custom made oils and incenses.

    Be prepared to deal with EVERYONE’S attention, this includes people who attentions you may not want. You don’t get to decide who gets hooked, all within range will be affected.

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