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Question by Blue Foots™: What are some of the important Pagan events in the history of your country?

And what country are you from.

btw, I mean, times in history that events happened or started in your country.
Maybe things that happened in the U.S. that didn’t happen in Australia.. or times in the UK or Germany that did not occur in Zmibia? 🙂 Or, was there anything that was on a worldwide scale?

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8 Responses to What are some of the important Pagan events in the history of your country?

  • steadfast says:

    we tie the feet of blue footed birds on strings around our necks

  • Tori says:

    Well, most of the Christian holidays are actually taken from Pagan holidays.
    And, who can forget the witch hunts in Salem?

  • halibut be my name says:

    We all danced the May pole every spring as kids – and that is pagan in background. We decorated Christmas trees and hunted for Easter eggs and dressed up in our spookiest outfits for Halloween.

    We had a Prime Minister who liked to communicate with the dead and studied necromancy. But that one was hidden away for years until his death. That is as close as I can get.

  • Captain Nebula says:

    Everything before the 6th century was Celtic tradition/lifestyle/artwork before those bloody christians came and destroyed it. Still we have our languages and are learning more and more about our history.

    Hail Britannia!

  • Gianni says:

    Actually, any important event in Europe before 300 AD. would be considered Pagan. Ditto South America before the Spanish conquest and North America before the Puritans, French, and Spanish.

  • ulfsark9 says:

    Well, for the US in terms of paganism:

    The right to freedom of religion first and foremost….

    Then the introduction of Asatru to the united states by Stephen McNallen.

  • Keltasia says:

    Beside the obvious holidays, I would say the pentacle approval for the VA headstone.

  • Priestess Jean says:

    Well, the history of the USA is relatively short, however
    there is a long list of important events of one sort, which
    did involve “pagans”… that is, native Americans.

    It’s a list of mass murders of innocent unarmed people,
    including women and children. An estimated total of 40
    million were directly killed, and another 100 million died
    as a result of related causes.

    It’s ironic that those who came to America to find religious
    freedom should then force their religion on others… or use
    it as a cause to exterminate them… especially after the
    native people had so often greeted them in friendship and
    given them their assisance and trust.

    But I guess they found out what Christiany was all about.

    The list of attrocites commited in the name of Christ is
    much too long to post here… please see this link, or the
    many other accounts of the glorious history of Christians
    in America… if you have a strong stomach.

    As to any positive Pagan history in the USA, I’m afraid
    there is little to speak of… after all, this is a “Christian
    Nation”… and we all know what that means.


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