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lesbian, gay and bisexual. I encountered a community of inspirational teenagers who were climbing gently out into the light, done with hiding and self-loathing. I saw their struggles – with their schools, their families, their friends; I witnessed the bravery and strength it took them to say: “This is who I am”. My work was sacred to me because it was about helping young people have an easier time of being themselves. It was about supporting them in finding profound self-acceptance that wouldn’t be shaken by an often hateful world. Some of those young people were at our wedding in July. I don’t think we can underestimate the impact of them seeing first-hand a love that they identify with being supported and acknowledged by friends, by family and by the law of this country.

On December 20th, there will be candlelit vigils across America (and beyond) to recognise the rights of same-sex couples who married and to look forward to the day when those rights will be available again for everyone. This time of year, whether you look at pagan or Christian origins, has always been about the unconquerable light in the darkness. As activist Anne Lamott writes: “Hope begins in the dark, the stubborn hope that if you just show up and try to do the right thing, the dawn will come.”

I see a dawn where people hear this message, from others’ hearts to theirs:
You are okay. Your heart is true. You can follow it. We will support you in that.

Love is the way. Light up the night.

Do Things Differently
1) What do you want to join with others about? What is the issue of 2008 which touched your heart? What do you feel passionately about, what stirs you and motivates you to spread the word or do things

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