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Question by .: What do you know about the goddess Cerridwen and did you ever work with this deity?
To work with means to pray to, set up a small altar to ect. I saw a statue of her in a metaphysical store and it gave off a really nice enegry. I asked about it and the cashier said that she was known for herbal potions of wisdom. Which was odd, because I was planning on setting up a altar for higher knowledge.
The reason why I did not ask this in the R&S is because its a real war zone there.

Best answer:

Answer by Keltasia
She is an initiatrix and shapeshifter.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

3 Responses to What do you know about the goddess Cerridwen and did you ever work with this deity?

  • Bronwyn E says:

    Cerrewin according welsh myth is the goddess of inspiration,intellect and knowledge.
    There is a story that her son was really ugly so she mixed up a potion for him so that he would be wise at least.

    She is strongly associated with a cauldron.

    Haven’t worked with her but this is the second time today that her name has come up so I will be studying her more I think.

  • eustacia says:

    Cerridwen was a wise woman, or sorceress, who was mixing up a magic potion containing all the wisdom in the world, to give to her son, who was reputed to be ugly, or made up of darkness, whereas her daughter was beautiful and needed no more gifts! However the young boy, Gwion, who was meant to stir the cauldron for a year, happened to splash some boiling liquid onto his hand, automatically sucked it and so took in the wisdom for himself, depriving her son of this great knowledge.

    As he now knew she would be furious he ran, changing shape, now he too was wise, pursued by an angry Cerridwen. They both shape changed into bird and hawk, hare and dog, fish and otter, then hen and grain as he did, eventually catching and swallowing him, to give birth to him as a lovely baby.

    Cerridwen could not bear to kill this usurper, named him Taliesin, or radiant brow and set adrift, in a leather bag, on the sea, as was done to many young heroes, being another popular mythical tale. who floated on the water to be rescued and adopted by someone else. Taliesin became a famous bard.

    As a goddess Cerridwen is credited with presiding over inspiration and artistic creativity, with herbalism and healing generally.

  • ToriMia the Witch says:

    Cerridwen is perfect for higher knowledge for She is one who gave/gives knowledge. Use a cauldron filled with seeds as a symbol for Her. Each seed is knowledge waiting to be explored, to be learned or taught. Fill the cauldron with water (without the seeds in it, of couse) and place a mirror in the bottom for relections or intuitions, messages from the Goddess. Good luck with Her!!!

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