i believe the Mind is not just our personal Mind but a channel that connects all Creations. The thoughts in the Mind do not belong to just one Spirit, your thoughts are mixed in there but many other Spirits influence your thoughts for good or bad without most realizing this. shamans receive help from Spirit friends, insects, animals, creations from other galaxies, Spirits from other dimension, Earth creatures, from all energy. it’s all trial and error. PEACE
a shaman to me is an individual who receives help from the Spirit world. it is not a religion because it does not have to be taught, it’s everyone birth given right to receive help during this earth experience. 1LOVE
Actually, that’s not true. Shamanism is actually a very advanced spiritual practice – to call it “primitive” means you don’t understand anything about it.
Religion and Spirituality are two different things and they don’t necessarily go together (they usually don’t). Spirituality teaches to look within whereas religion teaches you to look outside yourself (god in heaven) for answers/salvation. I’ve yet to see a religious person who is truly spiritual…
Ever stop to consider that spirituality has nothing to do with gods or worship? its just another phrase for interacting with the unseen, the immaterial world. Even you can’t be so ignorant as to assume that there is nothing we don’t percieve. We only live in 3 dimensions out of 12 known dimensions. The astral realm is one that is interacted with through shamanism. There is no god, no worship.
Shamanism is primitive, but it’s still a religion. There is no true spirituality outside religion. The “religion vs spiriuality” thing we see today was created by self-serving “me” generation kids who have no idea what they are talking about.
although u may think im mocking i assure u i am not.i knew nothing of the doors then but since i learned that that particular song has a shamanic rythm in the back beat ..i am very lucky to have experienced the opening of the spirit door.not many people in our modern society are aware of such a journey..it has gave me a deeper understanding of the world in general and how we must reconnect with nature if we are to survive as god intends and that death is a new begining.
aged 21 i tripped out on acid with some friends in a caravan near a lake in scotland we had pulled in for the night and took the trip..we came up so fast and the doors were playing on the stereo..we turned out the light and went on a journey..the song was “riders on the storm”when the song was done we turned on the light..we had entered the spirit world ..jim morrison had opened the door and was waiting for us to enter he sat with us for a while and told us that everything is one..
very interesting, I am on a shamanic course and have been one way or another all my life, i feel in my own way, that shamanism is the process of relating to God. before time there was God, and after time there will be God. the shaman connects with all things at once feeling as he or she goes. this is not a religion, nor is it a cult. it is the one truth. there is no leader, no exclusions, no one is or can be left out for any reason. its the acceptance, that way are like it or not all linked.
Well don’t really care about the thumbs down anymore it’s just that since you said that you had to accounts and I had the same number of thumbs down it looks like you saw my comment on one account gave a thumb down then came back with another count did the same and then commented. But whatever I don’t care anymore. I didn’t accuse you of doubting anything, I meant that if it is hard to believe then you should research it for your self. God bless.
Hmm… it’s pretty interesting how this played out because since that comment 6 days ago my knowledge on shamanism and perspective have changed. The more I look at it the more it seems like a religion. They do believe in many deities and “did” make more sacrifices than any other religious people I’ve investigated. There was a history channel special on how the high Mayan priests were shamans. Sorry for this quick change of thought but its probably something you should research before doubting.
Yes i am, sorry, i replied on my alternate account. I know why you were confused and i should have rephrased what i said. What i’m saying is i dabbled in a few religions, but i didn’t like the idea of praying to a deity. Shamanism seems cool because it’s personal, only to the practicioner. I wasn’t implying that it was a religion.
Great Cingiskhan and Amir Teymur Shaman by relign. How do you say that Shamanism not relign? Yes you right
religns are fake beliving and Shamanism is true history by SKY GOD and our leaders like Sword of SKY GOD Atilla, Great Cingiskhan, Amir Teymur and Hero of first World War ATATURK!
Dont worry, i give you more information about Shamanism. Great Cingiskhan and Amir Teymur was by Shaman relign. From Shamanism come out Paganism which is half of Evrope to day belive, because Huns(Hungarians) original relign was Shamanism which is to day central of Evrope. .
@luigee78 lol well said if i were to not be a athiest i think spirituality would be my call
im a tauren shaman!
i believe the Mind is not just our personal Mind but a channel that connects all Creations. The thoughts in the Mind do not belong to just one Spirit, your thoughts are mixed in there but many other Spirits influence your thoughts for good or bad without most realizing this. shamans receive help from Spirit friends, insects, animals, creations from other galaxies, Spirits from other dimension, Earth creatures, from all energy. it’s all trial and error. PEACE
a shaman to me is an individual who receives help from the Spirit world. it is not a religion because it does not have to be taught, it’s everyone birth given right to receive help during this earth experience. 1LOVE
Actually, that’s not true. Shamanism is actually a very advanced spiritual practice – to call it “primitive” means you don’t understand anything about it.
Religion and Spirituality are two different things and they don’t necessarily go together (they usually don’t). Spirituality teaches to look within whereas religion teaches you to look outside yourself (god in heaven) for answers/salvation. I’ve yet to see a religious person who is truly spiritual…
Ever stop to consider that spirituality has nothing to do with gods or worship? its just another phrase for interacting with the unseen, the immaterial world. Even you can’t be so ignorant as to assume that there is nothing we don’t percieve. We only live in 3 dimensions out of 12 known dimensions. The astral realm is one that is interacted with through shamanism. There is no god, no worship.
its not a religion its very much an independant spiritual practice. Its personal.
Hey I believe you, thats pretty amazing.
Shamanism is primitive, but it’s still a religion. There is no true spirituality outside religion. The “religion vs spiriuality” thing we see today was created by self-serving “me” generation kids who have no idea what they are talking about.
although u may think im mocking i assure u i am not.i knew nothing of the doors then but since i learned that that particular song has a shamanic rythm in the back beat ..i am very lucky to have experienced the opening of the spirit door.not many people in our modern society are aware of such a journey..it has gave me a deeper understanding of the world in general and how we must reconnect with nature if we are to survive as god intends and that death is a new begining.
aged 21 i tripped out on acid with some friends in a caravan near a lake in scotland we had pulled in for the night and took the trip..we came up so fast and the doors were playing on the stereo..we turned out the light and went on a journey..the song was “riders on the storm”when the song was done we turned on the light..we had entered the spirit world ..jim morrison had opened the door and was waiting for us to enter he sat with us for a while and told us that everything is one..
very interesting, I am on a shamanic course and have been one way or another all my life, i feel in my own way, that shamanism is the process of relating to God. before time there was God, and after time there will be God. the shaman connects with all things at once feeling as he or she goes. this is not a religion, nor is it a cult. it is the one truth. there is no leader, no exclusions, no one is or can be left out for any reason. its the acceptance, that way are like it or not all linked.
Well don’t really care about the thumbs down anymore it’s just that since you said that you had to accounts and I had the same number of thumbs down it looks like you saw my comment on one account gave a thumb down then came back with another count did the same and then commented. But whatever I don’t care anymore. I didn’t accuse you of doubting anything, I meant that if it is hard to believe then you should research it for your self. God bless.
I didn’t give you thumbs down, sir. I’m not 12 years old. And what exactly was i doubting?
Also I would appreciate it if you wouldn’t use your 2 accounts to give me thumbs down. It’s undeniably obvious so don’t. Thanks. God bless.
Hmm… it’s pretty interesting how this played out because since that comment 6 days ago my knowledge on shamanism and perspective have changed. The more I look at it the more it seems like a religion. They do believe in many deities and “did” make more sacrifices than any other religious people I’ve investigated. There was a history channel special on how the high Mayan priests were shamans. Sorry for this quick change of thought but its probably something you should research before doubting.
Yes i am, sorry, i replied on my alternate account. I know why you were confused and i should have rephrased what i said. What i’m saying is i dabbled in a few religions, but i didn’t like the idea of praying to a deity. Shamanism seems cool because it’s personal, only to the practicioner. I wasn’t implying that it was a religion.
I wasn’t insulting you, I meant that the content of your above comment doesn’t make any sense. Rephrase it. Make new. Better.
i am not English. if english your mothertong keep it.
Ok your going to learn how to speak English. Other wise we can’t have this conversation. Were are you even from?
I got the same impression. Check out the comment he left me below. Zero sense there.
Great Cingiskhan and Amir Teymur Shaman by relign. How do you say that Shamanism not relign? Yes you right
religns are fake beliving and Shamanism is true history by SKY GOD and our leaders like Sword of SKY GOD Atilla, Great Cingiskhan, Amir Teymur and Hero of first World War ATATURK!
Dont worry, i give you more information about Shamanism. Great Cingiskhan and Amir Teymur was by Shaman relign. From Shamanism come out Paganism which is half of Evrope to day belive, because Huns(Hungarians) original relign was Shamanism which is to day central of Evrope. .
Are you drunk?