Question by Asdis: What is some good Pagan music?
I’m looking for some good Pagan music that’s not metal, such as folk (mainly instrumental), or music with chanting in it. I’m looking for European bands and musical groups, mainly Nordic and Celtic with obvious Pagan themes. I’d also be okay with Wiccan-like bands. Any suggestions.
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Tom Jones.
Nope, got it wrong? oh well
I’m not denying there aren’t other traditional influences and religions (what you would call pagan) that are embedded into Christmas. In fact, the Catholic Church actually chose to specifically celebrate it on a holiday and use it WITH the Christian traditions. So, how about it, are you gonna listen to Christian music too? I think some chanting monks would do you good. I hope you didn’t thumb this down, ’cause you’re missing out on my writings.
How about some gospel music? I don’t see why you don’t take the Christian music with you. You like Christian holidays, you’re getting some Christian music! Oh, wait a minute, now you don’t wanna do the Christian stuff. Only, when you like it, like Christmas, do you find excuses to celebrate… well then, I don’t see why you should pretend like you want to disassociate yourself completely from Christianity, especially, since come Valentine’s Day and then next December you’ll jump on over to do the Christian mambo.
No, no, you’re gospel music right now! : )
Aside from which, why would you view some religions differently from others? It makes no sense. From an atheist perspective (which is what 99% of “pagan,” especially the ones that live Euro/America) what’s the difference between the Roman religion and the Christian religion? Just slap on all of the faith religions, be like those New Agers.
You just asked the right person.
eluveitie (spelling?)
Mediaval Baebes.
Blackmore’s Night
Loreena McKennitt
First of all, to the lady preaching about gospel music, Christianity STOLE, again STOLE that from all different pagan religions, so in reality we’re not switching sides, you are. Secondly as for music I like Loreena McKennit, FolkEarth, Kellianna, as well as David and Steve Gordon. Also sometimes an artist will have a pagan themed song, like Cyndi Lauper’s “Sisters of Avalon.”
Hope that helps!
Like Corvus Corax?
Hey, what’s wroing with metal?! There are some perfectly good metal bands out there that not only have pagan themes, but are nice and melodic and sing about Norse gods, Heathenry, even Odinism!!
Oh well, I guess not everyone has a decent taste in music… *sigh*
Anyway, if you want chanting, you’ll love Arcana.
Try also Faun, Loreena McKennitt, Enya, Blackmore’s Night, Medieval Baebes, early stuff by In Extremo (later albums are metal), Corvus Corax, Wendy Wylde, Omnia, Ataraxia, some late stuff by Death in June, Sol Invictus,….