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Question by Jacob Dahlen: What is the Nature of Sin and Hell?
Sin is not the mere breaking of a rule. It is nothing less then the denial of love and, therefore, of life itself. Sin – “missing the mark” – is not a moral shortcoming or a failure to live up to some external code of behavior, but rather the failure to realize life as love and communion.
The fall arises out of our free decision to reject personal communion with God and restrict ourselves to the autonomy and self sufficiency of our own nature. Sin is the free choice of individual autonomy. The absolute autonomy of the individual is the Original Sin.
An individual is not a person, but rather the antithesis of personhood and the denial of life. From this perspective, sin is repulsive to God not because it “offends His honor,” but because it is the denial of life itself, which is His gift to us. It is the final analysis, the denial of God’s image in us, and of God Himself. Sin is self-destructive.
God hates sin not because of what it does to Him, but because of what it does to us. Sin is not a blotch on our record, but an act of metaphysical suicide. If we choose to be “individuals” with all kinds of “relationships”, we choose death, and not life; the curse and not the blessing. We destroy ourselves in the act of metaphysical suicide in our self-contained and self-interested isolation which is the very image of Hell.
Hell is that state in which we rendered ourselves incapable of receiving and responding to love. Hell is the suffering of being no longer able to love. And yet it is impossible to take this spiritual torment from them, for this torment is not external, but is within them.

Best answer:

Answer by nDoro JambronQ
More detail, plzzz…..

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3 Responses to What is the Nature of Sin and Hell?

  • davidm says:

    Stop mixing human philosophical jeborish with the work of God it makes hardly any sense to anyone, and makes the
    truth of Gods word less of an impact on the life of true believers who want to know him personaly. You must be catholic?

    God loves you…..God bless

  • mecasa says:

    Very good. Thank you.

  • Innerman says:

    Yes, Jesus died for all sin. His blood is a cleansing flood & he arose from the tomb victorious. As a lamb to the slaughter He presented Himself before God as a perfect sacrifice and God accepted this offering in our stead. It is not our faith that saved us from sin & death; but the faith of Jesus in God to raise Him from the dead; & the faith of God in Jesus to live a perfect live and shed His blood to wash us white as snow.
    Jesus not only died & conquered the grave but He lived to set an example for us to follow. This aspect of Jesus has been mostly forgotten or over looked. Most references to salvation are in reference to saving yourself from the very hell you speak of. When we do not follow his example, free choice, then we fall and suffer the consequences. Unfortunately for some this is the death you speak of, a separation from God who is love. Without love, God, then we are in that state of suffering, Hell.
    PS: Before Christ, A priest made an offering for the sins of the people & if the sacrifice was pure enough, God would accept the offering & the sins would be forgiven. It was not the people who accepted the sacrifice, it was always God & then only if the offering was without blemish & of the best. Man was incapable of living without sin therefore the ritual had to be performed routinely. This was how our sins were atoned. This ritual is no longer required because Jesus is our atonement.

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