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Question by sailormandave: What moments in christian history were most influential in making it a successful religion.?
Other than Christ and his immediate followers.

3 that stick out to me:

Constantine making it the official religion of the roman empire and taking steps to consolidate all the different christian teachings of the time.

Charlemagne once again taking over that much land in the name of christianity and executing many pagan leaders

The inquisition.

Please note this is not a post for or against the existence of any god or gods. It’s a religious history question open to anyone. Please give the thumbs down to anyone who tries to turn it into that.
neil – yes, i should say what was influential in making it a dominant religion.

About Christ rising – I said after Christ and his immediate followers.

Best answer:

Answer by Nice Kitty
Got to be Jesus’ resurrection from the dead.

Add your own answer in the comments!

5 Responses to What moments in christian history were most influential in making it a successful religion.?

  • neil s says:

    I think you and I disagree on the definition of “successful”.

  • Slowhand says:


  • N. Cognito says:

    The Crusades, the Inquisition, the witch trials, the official religions of European nations that required church affiliation by force, the Dark Ages, the use of excommunication.

    That’s all I can think of off the top of my head.

  • ChrisP says:

    The most influential things in history that built Christianity are persecutions. If you look at history, the periods of greatest church growth has often been in the face of adversity. The Romans killed Christians, and daily God added to their numbers.

  • ubu says:

    I respectfully disagree with your version of successful. Constantine made it the official religion to consolidate political power. Even taking in some of the rituals of the pagan religions such as confession. A pagan rite from many years. Again the slaughtering of Pagan leaders because they did not agree with his political will can hardly be called a success . Call it what it really was , murder !!!!!

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