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fantastic magical tool to know many things about future. There is another plus point to use these modern psychic taro cards of John Holland. Basically, John Holland has redesigned the psychic tarot cards by omitting total 10 cards from each suit of the deck. In comparison to the conventional psychic cards, these cards are much easier to read because of the simplification of the design and meanings of these cards. If you check carefully, you will find that there is the addition of an additional card to every Major Chakra.  

On the other hand, you will also see that instead of symbolical interpretation of the images, Holland has used the simple words to explain the images. The author uses very simple terms like physical, emotion, mental including spirit to indicate the suits of Minor Arcana instead of using the conventional symbols like Pentacles, Cups, Swords and Wands. Even you will get the complete guidebook or information booklet to learn how to use these psychic tarot cards. You will be benefited in applying the psychic power to predict the future on your own. You will read the tarot cards comfortably without facing any complicated symbolical meaning.  Holland has explained elaborately in his information booklet about the different procedures of the usage of the psychic tarot cards for making the perfect prediction.

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