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Question by dollparty.geo: What should Christians pray for on Candlemas day?
Does not this day do no more than celebrate a pagan custom which has
became a wishful tradition?

A song, called the NUNC DIMITTIS, has always had a prominent role in Christian worship. It has often been rendered in verse. An example from it being:”Mine eyes have seen the Saviour, Christ the Lord prepared by thee for all the worlds to see”

How is it that a person of education can be so naive as to be persuaded
to pay any heed to the rite practiced on this day? Isn’t “it” no more than a mere “rodent” that celebrants wait to see again?

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Best answer:

Answer by carl
We celebrate the willingness of the Holy Virgin to commit to the will of God, that her son Jesus would become the Redeemer of mankind on the cross, that she, the mother of God would suffer under his cross.

Jesus loved us unto death, and Mary gave up her son for your salvation.

Does the suffering of your mother affect you?

Christians pray for fortitude in suffering and to do God’s will always.

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One Response to What should Christians pray for on Candlemas day?

  • thelittlemerriemaid says:

    As far as I’m aware, Catholics are the ones who celebrate Candlemas. Growing up as a Protestant, I’d never even heard of Candlemas, and I certainly didn’t know any Protestants who celebrated Candlemas.

    As for “it” being no more than a mere “rodent”, I’m not sure what you’re trying to say, but I highly resent the implication that our celebration of the coming of spring is vermin and disease spreading. If you don’t want to celebrate Candlemas, then don’t cebrate Candlemas. It was stolen from the Pagans, and many of us are looking forward to celebrating Imbolc this evening, so will you please shut the hell up?

    Blessed Imbolc to everyone else.

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