What Tarot Cards Really Mean
The Major Arcana cards in Tarot comprise of the divine beauty and mystery of symbolization. Each of the tarot cards has its own specific symbolism and significance. In this article, we have tried to discover few among them.
The Fool
It signifies spontaneity, navet, innocence, unexpected incidents, important decisions, new internal beginnings, optimism, joy, force, and energy when the card is upright.
When the card falls reversed, it stands for impulsiveness, wastage of creative energy.
If the card falls upright it will stand for justice, fair play, straightforwardness, clarity, marriage, divorce, legal action, resolution of conflicts, lack of prejudice.
Wheel of Fortune
It represents good fortune, benevolent destiny, progress, effortless success, new beginnings.
If reversed, brace yourself for ill luck, gambling, delays, problems, interruptions, difficulties.
The Hermit
This card stands for qualities like introspection, Reflection, Plan, Calmness, Discretion, Caution, Assimilation, immaturity, imprudence, and refusal of help, inadequacy, alienation, and groundless suspicions.
The Lovers
When upright it signifies dilemma, foresight, union, harmony, making choices through intuition.
When reversed, it means indecisiveness, procrastination, infidelity.
Strength/ Fortitude
Reconciliation, resolve, generosity, optimism, self control, courage, determination are the qualities it stands for when the card falls upright.
It forebodes abuse of power, tyranny when it