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Question by Scott T: when I was having sex my penis got a paper cut?
how can it heal with the same magical flexible skin?

Best answer:

Answer by cherrie022
How did you get a paper cut there?

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11 Responses to when I was having sex my penis got a paper cut?

  • Laymo says:

    what were u having sex with?

  • the_only_solorose says:

    keep it clean, it will heal just fine

  • cate008 says:

    what were you having sex with or on?

  • Annie G says:

    Where you having sex with paper? You probably rubbed some skin raw from friction. Let it heal and watch for infection

  • Jay L says:

    It takes a few days to heal, but it does rather quickly… Granted, mine was from shaving… Paper? What the hell are you using paper for?

  • Chris A says:

    neosporin or any other antibacterial cream/lotion
    avoid anything with scents. they now have a neosporin with a pain killer so it won’t be as sore.

    we had sex on the beach once, very romantic but lots of sand rubbing caused abrasions, then swimming in a pool .
    the chlorine made my manhood swell up like a puffer fish
    (and yes we HAD to have sex then!!)

  • sweetangel41086 says:

    You get a star because you’re the first person to make me laugh today!!! You’re fine and you can probably still have sex unless it stings or something. Just put some A&D ointment or neosporin on it, you’ll be fine. Want me to kiss it and make it better? LOL!

  • parisgleam says:

    Did you have sex with a paper doll? Anyway, just put some cream on it like neosporin so you don’t get an infection. If its just the size of a paper cut it will heal just fine and your penis will be as magical as ever.

  • tuckntumble123 says:

    i just wanna know how you got a paper cut on your penis while you were having sex.. was it with a cardboard cut-out?!

  • Daisy says:

    are you sure it was a paper cut and not caused from dryness…i am trying to be discrete but you should know what i mean

  • fluffycheryl says:

    that’s what happens when you entertain yourself with dirty magazines

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