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Question by cardcapture12: Where can i get a free free psychic reading or tarot card reading online?
So i’m in a confused stage right now and i would like to know about my love life, i have a close friend and i REALLY like and well i want to know if me and him will be in a serious relationship one day.

Best answer:

Answer by RavenShadow
You can get a free reading on many sites., even through MSN but…These “free” readings are about as accurate as nothing. Most of the readers online are just out to make a buck. They say they will give you a “free” reading, give you some very vague garbage, then try and stick you with a .95 fee for getting anything further. So from my own personal experience, just stay away from the online stuff. If you want to get a good reading, do some research locally, and obtain a reader with a good reputation, and you will be much happier.

Now here come the condemners, and the skeptics putting in their two cents worth, telling you it’s all crap and of some “devil”. Whatever…Their “prophets” and such are ok, but someone else’s?

Yes, there are fakes out the wazoo, but there are also those who have a gift. The problem is finding them and knowing when you’re being duped.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

4 Responses to Where can i get a free free psychic reading or tarot card reading online?

  • Dylan the CATholic says:

    They’ll find you.

  • Ilana B. says:

    I’m not sure where you can get a free reading online, and like the old saying goes, “you get what you pay for.”

    The previous answer’s advice about seeking someone out locally is not a bad idea, but you can still look around online. Many local psychics or tarot readers (including myself!) advertise online, or do readings by phone or e-mail.

    If you like, I can do a reading for you by e-mail (see my craiglist ad at:

    Even if you don’t end up going to a psychic or a tarot reader, don’t worry too much about this issue. If you two are meant to be together in the future, you will be. The real future is the one you create, and cannot be dictated by another person or a set of cards.

    Best of luck to you,


  • Cherisa says:

    If you are really sincere in wanting to help yourself, you need to be willing to fork out some money for a real psychic. Psychic’s are people who need to eat too so it’s only fair that you pay them. If you’re really interested about getting a reading from an accurate psychic, email me.

  • Math says:

    I will do a free serious reading for you if you want but not in here. Get in touch on byzantyne(a)gmail(dot)com. I have over 15 years experience as a psychic.

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