Question by Pathfinder: Where can I get a professional tarot reading?
I don’t want a computer generated reading, I want t real-personal caring person. I’ve heard that Pathfinder Tarot is a great site and new customers can get a free reading? The web address is WWW.PATHFINDERTAROT.YOLASITE.COM
Anyone tried them? What experiences have you had with tarot readings? Good or bad?
Best answer:
Answer by Lady Saturn
I would not recommend a site that felt the need to advertise on Yahoo Answers. If you were providing free readings to the group, that might be different.
As it is. there are plenty of people on this site who give free tarot readings without having to go to a site to pay for it.
And tarot is easy enough to learn, and much more personalized when you’re asking your own questions.
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