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Who is Giving Psychics a Bad Name? World Known Psychic Defends Other Psychics

o a person gets a psychic reading, and they are told by an inexperienced psychic with no ability, that you will find that soul mate within a month, he will be toll dark and handsome, and he is actually your soul mate, the love of your life, the union made in heaven, he or she is your twin flame. And you end the psychic reading session, with a rather positive outlook and you all of a sudden have feelings of hopes that your soul mate is around the corner. He will be all that you ever dreamed of. So you go about your daily business attending your work and so on, and always on the look out for that soul mate who will appear when you least expected, days come and go, yet you still have hope waiting, thinking, replaying the words of the psychic in your thoughts. Then you think! Hang on it hasn’t been a months yet, I still have time to meet him. And as days of that particular months end. You haven’t met your soul mate; you haven’t fallen in that passionate love.
And you start having doubts thinking psychics are fools, they only play with peoples emotions, what a waste of money, I will never allow myself to go through such experience. Then you start think, that’s it! when ever there is mention of a word psychic, I will say what happened to me. So no one has to go through what I went through believing a so called psychic.


Dear friend, yes the scenario given above happens no doubt, and I hear story after story about the cases above. And I feel for that soul, who after waiting with so much hope did not get to see the prediction to come alive. This can be seen everyday on internet world. There are unfortunately some unintelligent people with hostile and bad thoughts, who rather think

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