some Psychics are born with a special gift but just like every brilliant musician isn’t a prodigy like Mozart or every fine artist isn’t a Picasso many Psychics are ‘non-natural’ or trained. Yes, Psychic abilities can be acquired through hard work and perseverance, provided you posses a certain amount of sensitivity and kindness of course. They also need to be thoroughly responsible since the sort of knowledge and truth they have access too can easily become a burden for most.
Occasionally some tragic event, like say the death of a loved one etc. can shock people enough to open up a whole new psychic realm for them, marking their new journey as a Psychic.
Manoj Ram is an independent consultant You can find more information on psychic mediums,psychic abilities and education on psychic abilities at
Hi, here you see me give Nalts a psychic reading. Question one was removed due to time restraints on youtube. He asked me if psychics and religion can coexist. I said i didnt really know, as i dont know much about religion. *readings by invitation only*
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