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country goes to war with another to secure their supply of resources but causes untold death and suffering in the other country, how is the human species better off? Ideas and ideologies that separate peoples are errors of thinking that accelerate our society level cancer behaviours.

On an individual level we need to realise that we are members of families, communities and of society and that our actions need to be aligned with the good of the society as a whole. Our individual acts of selfishness are metaphorical equivalents of the growth of individual cancer cells.

If we strive to increase our position and acquire exclusive access to resources at the expense of others we are creating ourselves as tumours. We may think that this behaviour increases our personal chance of survival but none of us can survive alone, we are all totally dependant on the survival or our communities, our societies and our planet.

We have stopped listening to our intuitive guidance which is always prompting us to act in ways that are aligned with the greater good and are acting from the viewpoint of personal ego.

We are dying of cancer at an alarming rate, I propose that unless we learn from our errors and start acting in alignment with life itself by striving to ensure that every action we take is for the betterment of the whole then cancer will continue to act to reduce our population. Like our bodies, Gaia has inbuilt systems to maintain health, if we threaten those systems then they will act to curb our growth, (increased death through disease, resource depletion and natural disasters). If we overcome those systems then we will die with the planet.

David Elliot is a cancer survivor of both melanoma and glioma multiform blastoma, both considered to be deadly cancers. He attributes his ongoing survival to his absolutely positive outlook and ability to be self-aware. Read his inspiring Ebook on how to survive terminal cancer at

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