by deVos
Question by Pineapple Octopus: Why do some people see sex as sacred?
I mean, do you think people who have been married for 10 or 20 years still think of sex as some spiritually special thing? Why go through life wasting the best years of college without sex until marriage?
I’m no slurry, I’m very loyal, but i just don’t get the marriage thing….. can someone explain?
Best answer:
Answer by Hally M
I think it’s sacred, and I’m an atheist. Love is my religion, and sex is a sacrament.
What do you think? Answer below!
Because having sex has psychological repercussions on a person. It’s the final step in a romantic relationship, and typically symbolizes giving yourself to another person completely. People who treat emotional situations very casually are usually not in the best mental health, and have trouble dealing with relationships/commitment.
Been married 11 years, yes its still sacred and special to us.
some people see sex as love. You can have sex with anyone out there but it does not mean anything just sexual satisfaction you don’t get any other gratitude out of it. However, sex with love is the true meaning to some people the closeness and intimacy with a true partner that you love is what matters the most.
If your first spouse has no STD’s and you’ve never had sex before, you have absolutely no chance of getting an STD from having sex, as long as you and your spouse only have sex with each other. That seems like an excellent and healthy reason to keep sex sacred.
Why do so many people see sex as a source of income ?
because, sex is something that only two opposite sex whos truly in love w/ each other can only do that.. and i dont think you need marraige to do that.. what if youre not going to marry anyone? as long as the two of you live together on the house and acts like man and wife.. and is responsible enough to face the consequences of having sex..
Wiccans think sex is sacred too. Not all run around as hot blooded promiscuous heathens though! There are some who save themselves for marriage, and there are others who think of sex as a powerful transference of energy from female to male and vice versa. For example, the Beltane fire rites were traditionally a time when people took a lover and blessed the land with sexual energy. they could choose to stay with that person for a year and a day, the rest of their lives or just the night. Sex wasn’t dirty or forbidden in those times, you can thank Christianity for that.
Sex is the ultimate bond. It connects two people in the most complete way possible. Forget marriage. Marriage is a legal contract of two people owning each other and that’s it. All it ever was. A legalized form of slavery plain and simple. When you make love to your spouse for the first time that is te moment that binds you spiritually. I really see no point in waiting for a legal contract to have sex. Even though it bonds you spiritually if you brake up with just the spiritual then both people a free to just move on and go their own ways. Marriage requires very long messy divorces if they don’t work out. And really the spiritual is all that’s necessary.
Edit:I’m also Wiccan and agree with Merbear. Very well said.
Read the book “Sex God” by Rob Bell.
Until you understand that human sexuality is not just a physical act, but is indeed a very spiritual thing, it’s hard to hold the act of sex as sacred.