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I think that having faith and loving anything or anyone is a commitment. We shouldn’t be expected to commit to someone blindly or have faith in something we cannot prove. That’s why I’m writing this today.

I’m also pretty unique. I not only studied religion; I also studied science to the existent that I know as much as anyone with a Doctorate would know about the conceptual side of physics and how the universe works. That doesn’t mean I’m a numbers guy or somebody that writes things on a chalkboard all day, but I can hold an intelligent conversation with anyone about physics without making myself look like an uneducated idiot. I was a numbers, chalk board guy at one point in college, but I decided to start using common sense to understand the universe I live in. This happened when the Nobel Laureate I worked for explained to me that people with PhD’s in Physics who work at NASA don’t make much; he also said they are typically close minded because they spent most of their life cramming so many facts and numbers into their heads that they have a hard time coming up with anything new on their own. That didn’t appeal to me with my big goals to help mankind. I also didn’t want to become the world’s biggest nerd.

After all, if I’m successful in business, then I can afford to hire all the Nobel Laureates I need to crunch numbers for me and work on my science projects. Instead, I get to be the creative, common sense guy that solves problems like the fact that the neutron has the exact weight and charge as a proton and an electron combined, but all the nerds on the planet who spent 8 years of their lives in school couldn’t figure out that a neutron was just a proton and an electron stuck together. Sad, but true; I

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