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regarded. There is also no actual hell with fire and brimstone or anything supernatural.


Although it is not the traditional version of heaven and hell, the choices we make and how society reacts to us influences the quality of our lives and the people in our lives. This is why suffering takes place, and where the closest thing that resembles hell actually exists. There is no real devil; there are only the evil acts of mankind toward other human beings.


We are all the sons and daughters of God. Messiahs and prophets are just the spearheads of religion, and most of them were either schizophrenic or making a personal sacrifice for the greater good of their people. Religion is clearly a manmade institution that helps people, but it also fills our heads with a lot of false information that holds back understanding and technology. Even if the Bible and other texts are partially fiction, they still have a tremendous value to society, because they are a source of history that was designed to help people live better lives.


Religion should also never contradict with science and nature. It should adapt to our understanding of nature and the universe we live in. Evolution is no longer just someone’s idea; it’s a fact now that we understand how DNA changed over time, and it was God’s plan to create life and watch it evolve all along. The Earth and the Universe are much older than the Bible says, and God did not make things happen in a week. God is also not one being; it’s a community of advanced beings who are a lot further along than we are.

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