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muscular space builds up in our memory brain cells where tranquillity reigns. This state of mind keeps us at peace within ourselves. Daily problems, no matter how hard they may be, find refuge in our hearts as now our personality has grown stronger. Because of these healthy qualities, we have opened a window for knowledge and wisdom to flow into our brain.

This phenomenon will help us to cope with stress and resolve most of our mental and physical problems on our own. From where such intelligence comes from, it does not matter! It only matters that we will become wiser. Blessed sex is the key why we should hold sex as something, which is sacred.

The Missing Link.

Do not certain religions’ teachings drive their followers into believing that making sex is a kind of a taboo? They also condemn homosexuals and build up many restrictions on how their followers should go about having sex, even within their own religious communities with the vow of celibacy. Why?

Throughout the Ages.

Could there be a hidden agenda about sex, which the leaders of these religions know about, to keep their followers in ‘ignorance’ – thus creating psychological problems due to sex confusion, so that they can have control over their people?

The more we keep in touch with our senses, the more knowledge flows in. Not necessarily in the act of sex itself, but only blessed sex provides us with the ability to communicate simultaneously with all our senses – an opportunity in growing wiser.

The more we are aware of the benefits this blessing has to offer, the healthier and happier we will be.

Author of the book God and Gravity, Roger Rogers – Jesian, reveals his ideas that challenge the theories of Darwin, Newton and Einstein. Visit

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