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A brief review on my favorite Wiccan books. I also ‘very’ briefly mention at the end that information on Tarot cards can be found in these books. I was asked if I knew a good book which had information regarding Tarot readings, however I’m not too good with tarot cards (Runes are more my area)so I don’t know much about them. But as I said, these books go over that information, so my apologies for not going deeper into that subject in this video.

21 Responses to Wicca Books

  • deathofvidio says:

    @tone1212a ok heres somthing for you to think of if your god didnt want his creations to stray of the path why did he give us the will to do so and another thing if “god” is so forgiving why did he create a place of eternal torment and suffering

  • XxTheBargainWitchxX says:

    solitary means to not have a coven.

  • tessarae100 says:

    Loved getting to see the books! Thanks for letting us have a look! Blessed be!

  • Wulfegar says:

    great video. whats the music in the background?

  • Oreceo says:

    God will not be mocked Tone1212…Really?
    Then he shouldn’t advocate or allow death threats, torture, murder and the overuse of exclamation points by his servants…
    The bible contains all of this and worse…doctrine of demons indeed…

  • Oreceo says:

    Enjoyed this video…thank you for posting it!

  • LightBrringerr says:

    haha yea that was a funny comment.. You have great vidz brother

  • SunGodRa says:

    You know, usually I’m inclined to remove really rude comments, but I found this so thoroughly ignorant and facetious that I’m going to keep it. Doctrines of demons, LMAO!

  • tone1212a says:

    Doctrines of demons!!! steer clear from this type of trash, The Holy Bible is the truth and there is life in it, those are doctrines to lead you to death and the bottomless pit. take heed to what I am saying, GOD will not be mocked!!!!

  • epicafan911 says:

    I’d Started with the Dutch versions of Scott Cunningham. I own 3 books of him, including a Wiccan cookingbook. Buckland is a name to keep in head, I hope I can find it in Holland 🙂 Thanks for sharing!

  • msdragonfly1 says:

    i’ve been wanting some of those books, glad you gave a review! i started with buckland too!

  • Askittie7 says:

    not to change the subject….but your accent sounds finnish. are you from finland or something?

    i am a solitary and i have read those books, very nice biiks. a good author is scott cunningham.

  • Mothra1213 says:

    I agree with niceguy2685’s comment.

    I love your voice and accent. Read me a bedtime story? ^_^?

    I have vids up with me speaking now.. you can hear my voice as I fumble through showing off my collection.
    See ya around :o)

  • niceguy2685 says:

    Im not even a follower of wicca but your passion for this is just interesting and refreshing to listen 🙂

  • SunGodRa says:

    It means one who practices the arts alone. As in “solitude”.


  • brendacard says:

    wat dus “solitary” mean!?

  • SunGodRa says:

    No, I just came to the realization that runes give more accurate results, and sometimes they truly have a way of shocking you.

  • niceguy2685 says:

    in your previous video, you mentioned you preferred tarrot cards over runes…. have you got a little mixed up?

  • ffrpgfan says:

    I have to agree. Her books are amazing, very well written, and full of information and insight.

  • Junaos says:

    If you want a really good read, try Green Witchcraft, by Ann Moura. Her writing is phenomenal, and again, very much in tune with the writings of Buckland (in fact, when I met the both of them, it was together).

  • witchofthewoods says:

    Thanx.I defintly plan on getting most of those books.)O(.

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