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Wiccan music is any music that expresses the same beliefs and ideals as the Wiccan community, but a few Wiccan bands include Serpentine, emerald Rose and Mother Tongue. Find music that reflects the mood of the religion with insight from an internationally known psychic in this free video on the Wiccan religion. Expert: Sandra Cheryl Richardson Contact: Bio: Sandra Cheryl Richardson is an internationally-known psychic consultant, paranormal investigator and metaphysical teacher. Filmmaker: Paul Muller
Video Rating: 4 / 5

25 Responses to Wicca & Paganism : Wiccan Music

  • WumboMePanda says:

    I don’t really recall saying that it was true and the right religion. If I did, I’m sorry for phrasing it so incorrectly. It’s the most true and holy religion for ME.

    Wicca is not right for everyone, and I’m sorry if I misled you into thinking that I believe that. It’s the most right fitting religion for ME, and I’m not saying it is for everyone else. It’s not better than any other religion, but it is better FITTING for me.

    Sorry if I made anyone think that I was shoving anything anywhere.

  • tododashi says:

    @WumboMePanda u laugh at it now but just wait to u get there for reals u should stop telling pople that ur relgion is the true right and holy one when u dont really know anything there is no true relgion nd there is no one true god what makes u think that ur relgion is the right ones what makes u think that ur gods and goddess r real what just because u sit in a circul and say jibrish and somthing moves and u getall wet over u r truley blinded if u think ur relgin and gods r the right ones

  • tododashi says:

    look idk what u people see in wiccas but if u really belive in this none senses keep it to ur self

  • alfiesmachinima says:

    isn’t she star hawk? please pm me the awnser

  • wiccantutor says:


  • TheWoodstockwolf says:


    No, Wicca is not satanic. If anyone tells you that, they have no idea what they are talking about.

  • Karlfucious says:

    Is Wicca Satanic? Honestly I don’t know but i doubt it. The only (Religion) I feel is ignorant is atheism. The truth is none of know the full truth. We probably are incapable in even understanding even the smallest aspects of God. There is evidence of God through creation everywhere despite what people like to tell you. For instance the Golden Mean. The truth is the world doesn’t work in black and white but seems to be in the middle. Probably every religion has certain aspects that are true.

  • Karlfucious says:

    Whats with all the Christian hate? To all the people who get offended by the narrow minded bible thumping street preachers just ignore them. They don’t understand the true message of Jesus. Real Christianity teaches us to be at peace with one another and not harbor hatred for people who have wronged you. Love and forgiveness is the real message of Jesus Christ not You don’t believe what I do so you go to hell. Labeling all Christians based on a few ignorant ones proves you are as bad as them.

  • holymelodrama says:

    Most Christians assume and assume makes an ass out of you and me. As being an ex-Christian I did not feel fit with there beliefs and so forth. My mom would make me go to church but, I never felt that connection. I found Wicca (or it found me), and I have been in love with it every since for about three months now. I am a newly Wiccan and free spirit. I am proud of that as well. I might be 15 but, I know what I talk about and for people like you to say “Wiccan or Satanist” is so uncalled for.

  • brandon1987rox says:

    This is gay

  • greenman92553 says:

    The best way to deal with christians is ignoring them.
    Dont give them the pleasure of an answer, they thrive in conflict

  • vamplexie1143 says:

    what does it mean when you have a star on your right hand??

  • Lamondra says:

    I have and then compared his writing to that of many other authors as well. I’m sorry that my information sharing insulted you so badly.

  • pilsforboys says:


    I know my facts from fiction and Wicca is indeed a new modern version branch from witchcraft, don’t try to tutor me, go read some books of cunningham and you’ll know.

  • Lamondra says:

    @AnonQcXxX54 Unfortunately you are right. In some cases though it might be easy to assume that someone who is ignorant enough to call wiccans satanists might also be ignorant enough to think that satanists worship satan. In which case the defence “we are not satanist we dont worship satan” is more understandable (yet still unfortunate).

  • Lamondra says:

    @pilsforboys You speak of respect in your earlier post yet here you tell believers of another religion that their religion is a big scam and that one of their main figures doesn’t exist. Saying things like that is not what wicca “preaches”.

    Also, wicca is not a branch of witchcraft. You could see it as a branch of paganism, but not as a branch of witchcraft. Wicca and witchcraft are each their own thing. Though often a practioner of one might also practice the other.

    Blessed be.

  • pilsforboys says:

    Its time for a history lesson:
    Wicca is a branch of witchcraft, a religion that does have many names and dates back thousands of years even before christianity.
    So even if you say that satan “Scientificly” is a fallen angel why should you care if your wiccan?
    Even so christianity in general is a big scam, satan isn’t real.
    It is a scientific proof that the devil from the christian bible was ripped from the older pagan religions.
    Hence the devil looks alot like the wiccan Cernunnos.

  • pilsforboys says:

    seriously… Does every wiccan related video on youtube have to be bombarded with haters? not that its inevidable but still try to show some respect, after all wiccans and any other shamanistic oh neo religion what so ever hasn’t made an attack agianst christianity so far as i can remember.
    Great video though
    )O( Blessed be )O(

  • baddave62 says:

    Christians are Satanists.

  • AnonQcXxX54 says:

    Umm well it exsist theistic satanic. by example:the temple of set but the most known satanism is the atheistic one and its the laveyan one.

  • AnonQcXxX54 says:

    … I dislike when wiccans say “we are not satanist we dont worship satan” Why i dislike that… Simple. EVEN SATANIST DONT WORSHIP SATAN OF THE BIBLE! They worship their own self and think we all got a god inside of us (laveyan satanism) and when wiccans say this its like when christian say pagan worship the devil its made out of ignorance.

  • adelle814 says:

    Oh, wow. Do all of you people ranting on and on about Wiccan ways know anything about the Wicca religion at all? Honestly. Wiccans are not Satanists in any way; we do not even believe in Satan!

  • yamakiichi says:

    All of you who have come here to talk shit are just a bunch of ass holes, its people like you DoNotEnter2009 that pushed me away from christianity. what the hell gives you the right to judge some one Else’s religion when it obvious that you have done no research to even TRY to understand what it is about.

  • bambie3384 says:

    LOL BLESSED BE!. Devil is not involved in the Wiccan craft everyone. It is a nature based religion, respecting animals trees. and evolving around a Goddess, and god. No harm in this religion. Blessed be.

  • metalistfromheaven says:

    wow, what a bunch a meanies! go fuck yourselfs!

    P.S. Wiccan music blows cock ‘n’ bawls!

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