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says that he intended priests not to marry.- As a matter of fact, of the Disciples that joined Jesus Christ,- during his short stay on this earth,- most of them were married and had a family.

This is an archaic and obsolete law,- invented by a mentally Unstable Pope, more than 1,000 years ago.- Just because he decided “To do it” .— A law that could easily “Destroy The Catholic Church”, unless it is reversed as soon as possible, and even then, it will take years to restore the damages this has caused the Catholic Faith.- There is already an enormous lack of priests,  and very few young seminarists., —-and the main reason is “celibacy”.-

The world evolves with the passing of years.- We can not expect our grandchildren to dress, or dance as our grandparents did, –and here we are talking of just a few generations.– There are many laws still enforced by the Catholic Church that date more than 1,000 years ago., and that simply does not apply to the new generations.-

The Church must realize that there have been more than 300 “popes” since “San Peter”, in a period
of almost 2,000 years.-Some of these Popes were human, good and were even canonized,- while there were many others that were “criminals” in all the sense on the word.-

And let’s not even mention the age of the”Inquisition” (mostly in Spain and France), where so many innocent people died,-, just because they did not had a “cross” hanging from their necks.-

Many laws were made, changed, and changed again,– according to the wishes or
believes of each one of these many “POPES”-

Changes have to be made, and these laws should be “expedited” as soon as possible: 

1)  Priests should be able to marry and form

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