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Witchcraft Spells: How To Incorporate Magic Into Your Life for Health, Wealth and Happiness

More and more people these days are turning to witchcraft, paganism and wiccan spiritual practices as more meaningful and inclusive forms of religion.

Since the printing of Gerald Gardner Witchcraft Today, thousands have discovered the power it can have. Although we live in a highly modernized, technological world, the ancient wisdom and knowledge that is imparted through witchcraft is still relevant today, if in fact even more so, since it is a peaceful, inclusive and deeply conscious tradition, that reveres the earth and earthly cycles.

In this day and age, which is dominated by war and wanton environmental destruction, witchcraft offers a gentle nonviolent alternative way of making sense of our world.

Some people sadly, fear witchcraft because they wrongly associate it with the dark arts of Satanism.

This is a grave misconception, which witches everywhere are seeking to dispel. According to Gardner, contrary to the popular perceptions, witchcraft is more to do with honoring the earth and the divine feminine.

In fact, most people who practice witchcraft, do so because it is holistic, non-judgmental and non-patriarchal inasmuch as it honors the sacred creativity of women, and recognizes the life-giving force of the earth upon which we live.

Many people see witchcraft as a deeply ecological religion, that seeks to protect the earth and its gifts to humans.

Whether you want to incorporate witchcraft into your life in a serious and dedicated manner, or simply want to explore this spiritual tradition, learning about it first is the way forward.

Because it is such a poorly understood and

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