Witchcraft Supplies You’ll Need
Each rock (whether it is a crystal or not) has a higher or lower density vibration. This makes certain rocks (crystals & stones) powerful collectors of Magick energy.
Whenever you are in a situation where you are about to buy stones or crystals, it is important to physically touch different ones before buying them. It helps to close your eyes and really “feel” the stone – concentrate on how the stone resonates with you, and select the ones that are special.
Here I list the most commonly used stones that will help you with your Magick work (along with their Magick properties):
Amber – changes negative energy into positive energy; protection
Amethyst – courage, psychic energies, dreams, healing addictions (especially alcohol), peace, happiness, love; opens crown chakra
Apache’s Tear – protection, luck
Aventurine – money, luck, mental agility, visual acuity, peace, healing; opens heart chakra
Azurite – psychic energy, dreams, divination (the art of looking into the future), healing, concentration, transformation
Bloodstone – courage, strength, victory, wealth, self-confidence, success in business and legal affairs; stops bleeding; helps regulate the first four chakras
Carnelian – courage, sexual energy, verbal skill, peace; alleviates jealousy, apathy, fear, and rage
Chrysocolla – wisdom, peace, love, communication, vitality
Citrine – psychic powers, protection, creativity, sexual energy; deflects nightmares
Clear quartz – intensifies energy (both positive and negative)
Coral – protection from evil; resolves conflicts
Diamond – courage strength, healing, protection, spirituality, mental and sexual abilities