unexpectedly presented by the Great Spirit to the consciousness of the child undergoing it. Tokens of the animal may be discovered subsequent to the vision in the surrounding area. This quest may be undergone by anyone willing to acquire the vision after due preparation.
The Totem animals are the projection of the elements of one’s inner consciousness representing the area or quality in one’s spirituality that requires balancing, harmonizing, or developing. Carrying a mustika-pearl of the animal in question serves as an aid in attuning with the Spirit-Guardian/Intelligences of the animal and helping us to administer to our soul-need and harmonize the imbalances in the psyche. It also helps to transfer the great wisdom or skill that each animal possess to our inner being.
Choosing a mustika-pearl based on one’s Chinese sign is also a good method for determining what pearl would be best for one. Naturally this method and the one above does not apply to plant-pearls. These latter can be worn by anyone with great benefit.
The Chinese Zodiacal signs are grouped into four :
Chinese Zodiacal Animals
Pig Rabbit Goat
Rat Monkey Dragon
Cow Chicken Snake
Tiger Dog Horse
If you happen to be a Goat, one suitable pearl would be the Pig (Wild Boar) or Rabbit. If you are a Rat, the pearl that would best complement you is the Monkey-pearl or the Dragon- (dragon-snake) pearl. Substitutes may be used if a pearl from the exact creature is unavailable. For instance, the pig-pearl may be substituted by the wild-boar pearl; the ape or gorilla for the monkey; the dragon-snake for the dragon; the wild-dog or