A funny event that occured on 2.11.2008 with an orc shaman called Bojax. Curious of what he did? See for yourself Credits to Anoxia Realm – Hellfire
Video Rating: 4 / 5
A funny event that occured on 2.11.2008 with an orc shaman called Bojax. Curious of what he did? See for yourself Credits to Anoxia Realm – Hellfire
Video Rating: 4 / 5
lol all the sudden every1 just goes flying
thats a shit load of HKs right there.
how did that happen omg there was like 80 dude omg lol roflmao omg and that was 1 shaman lol yu guys got raped
what song is this!!!!!!!!!!!
HAHAHA!!! nice goin!
omg you are so smart XXXXXXXDDDDDDDD
at the same time all on the lift is not good xD
Wow fail alliance
rofl elemental ftw for the horde!
he is a fucking genius
funniest thing ever
man bloodhoof is to awesome to die long live the horde and thank you to the horde shammy showing that the ally suck
ally rule 1 lucky shaman horde is for lil kids
hahah ally=fail
Thats what i call honorable kill
when i watched this i though… “I have to do it RIGHT NOW!” i went to naxxramas and did it against about 25 allys XD
Thx little orc shammy!!! was the best day on my life!
We are the paladins…and you cant kill us….with your thundercunt
Fucking Amazing.
killing kids one alliance member at a time.
LOL fail their are freaking 2 respawn angels? ROFL
Intro was homosexual, especcially considering A) ‘days’? It takes about 20 minute to get that many people. B) 80 people? I see fourty. And this is World of Lamecraft, no need to over dramatise it.