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Yoga Unleashed – Playing With The Chakras

Among the chakras, the least, Muladhara, is located at the bottom of the spine, similar as the sacral plexus, it is controls the process of chucking out. It is also controls the important energy named Kundalini, or the influential Power already dealt in 2nd chapter. When this is out it gives the knowledge of goods and bads. Now a day Kundalini controls the quality of the personality, especially the conscience within. The closest concept in our own concepts is told by Freud calls the libido which changes into all source of drives. So each chakra tells one thing that is related to the day to day life of human being.

The second one, Svadishthana, is located in the area of the genitals, which controls the sexual desire. Next is Manipura that represents the solar plexus, with control in the digest processes. It’s the “stomach brain,” our storehouse of saved energy in all ways related in every manner of physical and mental reactions. The fourth one, Anahat, in heart level, represents the cardiac plexus that controls oxygen. The fifth chakra is Visuadha, besides the throat that controls words. The sixth one is, Ajna, lying between the eyebrows, and controls the important nervous system and it is the place of the mystical “third eye” which represents the clairvoyance asked by Yogis. Last one is Sahasara chakra, other wise called the Thousand-Petalled Lotus, which represents the cortical section of the brain .Among these chakras Kundalini joins Lord, Vishnu, as matter proceeds to the soul and the potent in the humans comes out with that is most high.

The thing that concept tells is that need not be used here here, but the difference in prana and oxygen, it is sure that pranayama will give immediate effects when it

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