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Your Breath Bank

Neither wealth nor poverty exists as realities. Both are illusionary states created in 3D for my experience; the experience of myself as a creator. Life simply IS its breath. It breathes its potential into every area of influence through my unique breath perspective and I have the joy or sorrow to name it what I will. But it is always at my will that everything that I see comes into being. Jesus said, ‘nothing comes into being but by me.’ And so it is with us. We breathe our potential into everything and everything we see springs from our breath based reality.

Think of your breath as your energy potential bank account. You draw on it every moment of every day and consciously or unconsciously spend it according to your thought/feeling/belief patterns of yesterday. The fact that on every breath intake you take in oxygen to supply vital nutrients to the body and exhale toxins is secondary. The primary fact is that every intake contains latent possibilities for the unique creation of your world… persons, places, experiences and things. With every inhale you take in raw material for the creation of your masterpiece and on the exhale you give it its reality. With every exhale you authorize a formation, construction or destruction of magnificent proportion. IT can only exist by means of YOU, the creator. IT has no other life apart from the one you give it. It has no other meaning but the meaning that you ascribe to it.

Creating new thought/feeling/belief patterns is as easy as taking your next breath. It is your next breath, fused with the energy of your desire that will create your new pattern…if you don’t break the mold. What mold? The mold that you create as you send out

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