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demonstrate your authority.

Remedial Stones for the decade:

Either of the following – Agate, Aquamarine, Citrine, Peridot, Tiger Eye, Emerald. Also see End Note below –  ,

Cancer (Karka)

Cancerians, the Crabs, your home and hearth – uh uh you will have to leave, for travels and voyages, relocation, moving to a new place or may be just a lot of travel for any reason/s. Your interests in science, hypnosis, things psychic, philosophy, religion, occult may be aroused or become subdued, depending on your current level of interest. It is also a time for accidents and mishaps on anything that you travel on while on the move, you should thus have insurance which covers this. Legal matters are not advised, so maintain as much distance as you can, from getting involved directly or indirectly with law and justice.

Remedial Stones for the decade:

Either of the following – Emerald, Amber, Moonstone, Aventurine. Also see End Note below.

Leo (Simha)

Lions, the King of the Jungle, Your Majesty is going to experience or rather to be perfect, witness a lot of death, troubles due to money, joint finances, legacies, inheritances, wills. Do expect benefits and troubles both – about and through all the above. New, strange sexual relations, activity, interests may develop or and end to such. The source, the means or the end could be water, liquids in general or fish or places or matter near or related to water. You are entering an era of undergoing major changes in your relationships.

Remedial Stones for the decade:

Either of the following – Onyx, Amber, Citrine, Garnet, Peridot, Crystal Quartz, Ruby, Danburite. Also see End Note below.

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