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marriage or partner and married life.

Remedial Stones for the decade:

Either of the following – Aquamarine, Amber, Bloodstone, Jasper, Malachite, Ruby Also see End Note below.

Sagittarius (Dhanus)

Hi Sagis, the targeted HorseMan, be ready for a change in your domestic life. Death of a parent or moving away from them , damage to property may be possible. Relationship with parents may also undergo difficult times while the surroundings and environments of your residence may change. If you are already settled in life then turbulence in the form of bickering, divorce, accidents, death, and the like may appear. Those who have not yet settled , your efforts may go in vain.

Remedial Stones for the decade:

Either of the following – Imperial Topaz, Amber, Chrysocolla, Jasper, Malachite, Moonstone, Tourmaline, Turquoise. Also see End Note below.

Capricorn (Makar)

Capricornian, the Goat, your imagination, the ability to invent and conjure up, new thoughts and a new style of expression as well as communication may develop. There will be a lot of travel while issues with younger siblings may heat up. You may take up new intellectual activities and hobbies as well as get involved in such debates and groups. A sudden interest in your neighbourhood and surroundings as well as strange developments with neighbours should not be surprising.

Remedial Stones for the decade:

Either of the following – Ruby, Agate, Amethyst, Cat’s Eye, Garnet, Crystal Quartz, Turquoise. Also see End Note below.

Aquarius (Kumbha)

Aquarians, The Water Bearers, await unexpected malefic results regarding your finances and your possessions. You may

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